What is a Card

On Avacards.xyz, a Card represents a unique section of the website that you can own and customize. Each Card is a digital asset whose ownership and price are securely stored on the Avalanche blockchain, ensuring transparency and security for all transactions.

When you own a Card, you have the freedom to personalize it by adding images, titles, and links. To make customization easy and cost-effective, these elements are stored off the blockchain. This means you can modify the content of your Card as often as you like without incurring additional fees.

The position of each Card on the website is fixed, providing a consistent and predictable layout. For example, if you purchase the 10th Card, it will always be displayed in the 10th position, regardless of any changes made to other Cards.

Avacards offers a unique opportunity to showcase your creativity, advertise your projects, or simply express yourself. Whether you use your Card to display an ad, highlight your best NFT, or feature a personal image, the customization options are vast and flexible.

By participating in Avacards, you become part of a decentralized platform where ownership is transparent and secure, and where you have full control over the content you display.

Last updated